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Scotland Cases

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- - - v - - - [1755] 5 Brn 837 (29 November 1755)      -----      [1677] 3 Brn 180
[1677] 3 Brn 181      -----      3052775 Nova Scotia
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A. & A.      -----      A. v B. [1734] 1
A. v B. [1734] 2      -----      Abbott v. Mitchell
ABBOUD, APPEAL AGAINST      -----      Adams v Young
Adamson & Gulland      -----      Aiken v. Caledonian
Aikenhead v Bothwell.      -----      Alexander Alison, Writer
Alexander Allan v      -----      Alexander Irvine of Drum,
Alexander Irvine of Drum      -----      Alison v Agnes
Alison Aitken, and      -----      Anderson and Another
Anderson and Burgesses      -----      Andrew Cheap, Brother
Andrew Cheap, Brother-german      -----      Anent Certifications. [1673]
Anent Clauses Irritant.      -----      Anna Home v
Anna Laavson v      -----      APPEAL BY ADAM
APPLICATION FOR A GUARDIANSHIP      -----      Armstrong v His Creditors. [1774]
Armstrong v His Creditors. [1776]      -----      Autolink Concessionaires (M6) Plc v Amey Construction Ltd & Ors [2007]
Autolink Concessionaires (M6) Plc v Amey Construction Ltd & Ors [2009]      -----      Aziz v Whannel
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B. & H.      -----      Balfour Kinnear and
Balfour Melville v.      -----      Baron De Bildt,
Baron de Mauley      -----      Beesley & Co.
Beg v Beg.      -----      Berry v. McCowans
Bertram & Co.      -----      Black v. McGregor [2006] ScotCS
Black v. McGregor [2006] ScotSC      -----      Bontein v Bontein.
Bontein v Mildovan.      -----      Bradley v. Menley
Bradley v Procurator      -----      Broomhall v The
Brotherston v. Livingston      -----      Brownlie, Watson, &
Brownrigg Coal Co.,      -----      Budge (Smith's Trustee)
Bullo, Minister of      -----      B.Z.A. v The
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C A F      -----      CAMERON AGAINST PHIL
Cameron and Another      -----      Campbell v. North
Campbell v North      -----      Captain James Stewart
Captain James Stewart,      -----      Carstairs v. Spence
Carstairs v Stuart      -----      Chalmers v Chalmers.
Chalmers v. Chalmers      -----      Chief Constable of the Police Service of Scotland (Information
Chief Constable of the Police Service of Scotland (Operation      -----      City of Edinburgh
CITY OF EDINBURGH      -----      Clark v. The
Clark v The      -----      Cochran v Sturgeon.
Cochran v The      -----      Colonel John Middleton and his Lady, Supplicants. [1713] Mor 8568 (28 November 1713)
Colonel John Middleton and his Lady, Supplicants. [1713] Mor 8568 (28 November 1713)      -----      Competition of the Creditors of Cranstoun.
Competition of the Creditors of Cranstoun,      -----      Costin v. Hume
Costine's Trustees v.      -----      Craig and Others,
Craig v Anderson.      -----      Creditors of Angus Fisher,
Creditors of Angus M'Alister      -----      Creditors of Park
Creditors of Paterson      -----      CROWN APPEAL BY STATED CASE BY
CROWN APPEAL BY STATED CASE FOR      -----      Curot Contracts Ltd
Curran v Angus      -----      Cyrus Energy Ltd
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D & H      -----      Daughter of Monro v
Daughter of Monro of      -----      DAVID SCOTT CARMICHAEL
DAVID SCOTT v.      -----      Deckmont v Colonel
Decree Arbitral [1549]      -----      Dickson and Others (Dickson's
Dickson and Others v.      -----      Dodsworth v. Rijnbergen
Does a Suspension      -----      Douglas, Heron, and Company
Douglas, Heron, and Company,      -----      Dr Niall MacKinnon
Dr Nic Honhold      -----      DUFFY v PF
Duffy v. Ritchie,      -----      Dunbar v. Dunbar [1872]
Dunbar v. Dunbar [1911]      -----      Dunn Pattison v.
Dunn v. Pratt      -----      Dynamco v Holland,
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E & J      -----      Earl of Errol v Mouat.
Earl of Errol v N.      -----      Earl of Selkirk v John Dalrymple of Stair. [1756] 5
Earl of Selkirk v John Dalrymple of Stair. [1756] Mor      -----      Edinburgh Parish Council
Edinburgh Roperie and      -----      ELIZABETH ANNE SMITH
Elizabeth Balfour v      -----      English's Coasting and Shipping Co. (Ltd) v. The British Finance Co. (Ltd) [1886] ScotLR 23_289
English's Coasting and Shipping Co. (Ltd) v. The British Finance Co. (Ltd) [1886] ScotLR 24_167      -----      EZ v The
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F & Anor      -----      FERGUSON, APPEAL AGAINST
Ferguson Bequest Fund      -----      Finnie v Oliphant.
FIONA DROUET AND      -----      Forbes v Forbes. [1633]
Forbes v Forbes. [1673]      -----      Foy (AP) v
Foye v HM      -----      Freeholders of Ross-shire
Freeholders of the      -----      FZ, Re Judicial
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G & Anor      -----      Gavin v. Arrol
Gavin Beugo v      -----      George Gordon, Marquess
George Gordon of      -----      GG AGAINST WG
GG, Re Application      -----      Gilmour v Cadell.
Gilmour v. Craig      -----      Glover and Others (Manuel's
Glover and Others (Scott's      -----      Gordon of Lesmoir
Gordon of Lessmore.      -----      Graham v. Graham's
Graham v. Her      -----      Gray & Ors
Gray v A      -----      Griffith & Anor,
Griffiths v Butler      -----      Gyle Shopping Centre
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H & H      -----      Hamilton v Dumfries
Hamilton v. Dumfries      -----      Harkness v. Harkness.
Harkness v. Her      -----      Hay v. Rafferty
Hay, Re Permission      -----      Henderson v L.
Henderson v La.      -----      HER MAJESTY'S ADVOCATE
Her Majesty's Advocate      -----      Hewat v Murdoch.
Hewat v. Roberton      -----      HM Advocate v
HM, APPEAL AGAINST      -----      Hood, Re Review
Hood v. Stewart      -----      Hugh Moncrief of
Hugh Montgomery v      -----      Hutchison Stirling v.
Hutchisons & Weir      -----      Hyslop v. Staig.
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
I (a child),      -----      Inland Revenue, Re
Inland Revenue v.      -----      Integrated Building Services
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J & A      -----      James Begbie v
James Bell, Deacon      -----      James Fairholm, Merchant
James Fairholm Merchant,      -----      James Malcolm of
James M'Alister v.      -----      James Steuart Merchant
James Stevinson v      -----      Janet Maxwell, Lady
Janet Millar and      -----      Jenkins v. Robertson
Jenkins v The      -----      John Bruce v
John Bryson v      -----      John Forrester v
John Forrester's Case.      -----      John Lamont and
JOHN LAMONT v.      -----      John Pearson v
John Peatt v      -----      John White, late Bailie of Kirkcaldy, v Daniel Reid. [1713]
John White, late Bailie of Kirkcaldy, v Daniel Reid. [1714]      -----      Jordan v. Her
Jordan v Homes.      -----      JYZ, Re Judicial
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K. Advocate v      -----      Kelly, Re Reference
Kelly v Riverside      -----      Kerr v. Her Majesty's Advocate [2002]
Kerr v. Her Majesty's Advocate [2004]      -----      King's Cgllege of
King's College of      -----      K.W. v. S.C.
Kyd and Others,      -----      KYLE, SECTION 74
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L. Affleck v      -----      La. Dumfermling v
La. Dunlop v      -----      Lady Kinloch v
Lady Kinminity v      -----      Laird of Caprington v Geddew.
Laird of Caprington v Hamilton.      -----      Lang and Husband
Lang Bros v      -----      Ld of Cauder
Ld. of Colston      -----      Leys v Drum.
Leys v. Leys      -----      Living Design (Home
Livingston v Abernethy      -----      Lomond Assured Properties
London and Caledonian      -----      Lord Carnegie v
Lord Carnoussies v      -----      Lord Napier, and
Lord Napier and      -----      Low v Strachan.
Lowden v Adam.      -----      Lysons, &c. v.
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M AGAINST A      -----      Macghie v Tinkler. [1776] Mor 27_5
Macghie v Tinkler. [1776] Mor 11112      -----      Mackie v. Mackie [1896]
Mackie v. Mackie and      -----      Macrae v. Sutherland
Macrae v. The      -----      Mair v Ballantine.
Mair v. Payne      -----      Margaret Blair v
Margaret Bogle v      -----      Marjoriebanks v -
Marjory Cramond v      -----      Martin v. Scottish Equitable
Martin v. Scottish Savings      -----      Matthie v Adam.
Mauger v Police      -----      McAskill v HM
McAteer v Glasgow      -----      McHale & Ors
M'Chirlie v Campbell.      -----      M'culloch v. Buchanan
M'Culloch v. Clyde      -----      MENDY FOR JUDICIAL
Mental Health Officer      -----      M'Gown's Trustees v.
M'Grath v. Glasgow      -----      Miller v Wright
Miller's Executrix v.      -----      Mitchel v Cowie.
Mitchel v Law      -----      M'Kinstrey v. Auchinlea
M'Kinven v. M'Millan      -----      M'Neill v. Forbes
M'Neill v. Mackinnon      -----      Moore and Others
MOORE, APPEAL AGAINST      -----      Moyarget Developments Ltd v.
Moyarget Developments Ltd v      -----      Mr and Mrs Mark
Mr and Mrs Mundell      -----      Mr Christopher Collins
Mr Christopher Johnstone      -----      Mr Duncan Forbes
Mr Duncan Robertson      -----      Mr Graham Matthews
Mr Graham McLeod      -----      Mr James McLean and City of Edinburgh Council [2011]
Mr James McLean and City of Edinburgh Council (St      -----      Mr. John Strachan.
Mr John Stuart      -----      Mr Michael Greenlawat
Mr Michael Gregson      -----      Mr Paul Hutcheon and Scottish Ministers [2014]
Mr Paul Hutcheon and Scottish Ministers (Rare      -----      Mr Robert Swinton
Mr Robert Trybis      -----      Mr Tom Gordon and Scottish Ministers [2012] ScotIC 117_2012
Mr Tom Gordon and Scottish Ministers [2012] ScotIC 207_2012      -----      Mr X and Leisure
Mr X and Lothian      -----      Mrs Jean Craick v Ann Napier. [1739] 1
Mrs Jean Craick v Ann Napier. [1739] 2      -----      Ms K and Greater
Ms K and Royal      -----      Muirhead and James
Muirhead and M'Mitchell      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1624] Mor 14719
Multiple cases with citation: [1624] Mor 16147      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1629] Mor 12374
Multiple cases with citation: [1629] Mor 12514      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1649] 1 Brn 437
Multiple cases with citation: [1649] 1 Brn 438      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1670] 2 Brn 476
Multiple cases with citation: [1670] 2 Brn 478      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1676] 2 Brn 209
Multiple cases with citation: [1676] 2 Brn 212      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1682] 3 Brn 417
Multiple cases with citation: [1682] 3 Brn 419      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1687] 3
Multiple cases with citation: [1687] Mor      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1695] 4 Brn 250
Multiple cases with citation: [1695] 4 Brn 252      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1711] Mor 16731
Multiple cases with citation: [1711] Mor 16867      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1739] 2
Multiple cases with citation: [1739] 5      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1747] 1 Elchies 78
Multiple cases with citation: [1747] 1 Elchies 161      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1760] 5
Multiple cases with citation: [1760] Mor      -----      Murison v. Wharrie
Murison's Trustee v.      -----      M'Whirter v Miller.
M'Whirter v. Rankin      -----      Myles (Lipman &
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N. Cockburn v      -----      Ndow (AP) v
NDT Eye Ltd      -----      Nicolson of Tillicoutrie
Nicolson v Ramsay      -----      NOT OF APPEAL
Note - Carment,      -----      NYAMAYARO, (FIRST) NATASHA
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
O & Anor      -----      OPINION OF THE COURT delivered
OPINION OF THE COURT DELIVERED      -----      Oyston v. Turnbull
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P & O      -----      Paterson v Laird
Paterson v. Lindsay      -----      Patrick Telfer v
Patrick Urquhart v      -----      PERTH AND KINROSS
Perth and Kinross      -----      PETITION OF PERTH
PETITION OF PETER      -----      Polat v. Secretary
Pole and Scanlon      -----      Pringle v Kennedy.
Pringle v Ker.      -----      Purawec v. Her
Purdie & Anor      -----      PZ, in the
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q and Aberdeen      -----      Quosbarth Petitioner [1892]
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R. & C.      -----      Rankine and Others
Rankine v Andrew      -----      Reid v Gray.
Reid v. Haldane's      -----      Richard Storrar v
RICHARD SYRED AND      -----      Robert Barry &
ROBERT BARTOSIK FOR      -----      Robert Lockhart v
Robert Logane v      -----      Robertson and Ross v Bissets. [1777] Mor 13_1
Robertson and Ross v Bissets. [1777] Mor 1445      -----      Rochead v Mr Hugh Murray. [1737] 1
Rochead v Mr Hugh Murray. [1737] 2      -----      Ross v. Ross [1895]
Ross v. Ross [1896]      -----      Russell, Trustee on
Russell v. Van      -----      RYSMANOWSKI, NOTE OF
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S & M      -----      Sceales v. Sceales
Schank v. Schank      -----      Scott of Harden v Christian Riddell. [1747] 1
Scott of Harden v Christian Riddell. [1747] 2      -----      Scottish Temperance Life
Scottish Union and      -----      SGL Carbon Fibres Ltd v RBG Ltd [2011]
SGL Carbon Fibres Ltd v RBG Ltd [2012]      -----      Shian v Killiehuntly.
Shields v Crossroads      -----      Sinclair of Freswick
Sinclair of Haddows-mill      -----      Sir David Carnegie of Pittarrow v Smith
Sir David Carnegie of Pittarrow v Strachan.      -----      Sir John Cheyne
Sir John Clark      -----      Sir Patrick Murray
Sir Patrick Nisbet      -----      Sir William Hope v Gordon.
Sir William Hope v Mr      -----      Smith and Another
Smith and another,      -----      Snee, &c. v
Snee v. Durkie      -----      Special Case - Ford's
Special Case - Fordyce      -----      Spencer & Co.
SPENCER AGAINST RICHARD      -----      Stephen v. Thurso
Stephens, Mawson, &      -----      Stewart v. Gray
Stewart v. Greig      -----      Stockton v. Procurator
Stodart v. Dalzells      -----      Sullivan v. Sullivan
Sullivan v. Young      -----      SZ, Re Judicial
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T & G      -----      Tenant v Spreul.
Tenant v Tenant.      -----      The Applicant and Fife Council
The Applicant and Fife Health      -----      The Applicants and
The applicants and      -----      The Corporations of
The Coulston Trust      -----      The Duke of Gordon v The King's Advocate. [1748]
The Duke of Gordon v The King's Advocate. [1750]      -----      The Earl of Nithsdale v The Duchess
The Earl of Nithsdale v The Feuars      -----      The Heritable Reversionary
The Heritable Securities      -----      The Laird of Blaws
The Laird of Bonyton      -----      The Lord Advocate v. The Earl
The Lord Advocate v. The Huron      -----      The North British
The North of      -----      The Sheriff of Teviotdale
The Sheriff of Tiviotdale      -----      Thirlestane v Durham.
Thistle Bank Company      -----      THOMAS MELVILLE v.
Thomas Mercer v      -----      Thomson, Jackson, Gourlay,
Thomson v. Jamieson      -----      TOR Corporate AS
Tor Corporate AS      -----      Trustees of Alexander Scott's
Trustees of Alexander Wedderburn      -----      Tyzack & Branfoot
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
UAZ & AJB,      -----      UZMA NAZ AHMED
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
v [1600] 5      -----      Voudouri & Anor
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W. & J.      -----      Wallwood, Colvil, and
Walpole and Alison      -----      Watson v Orr,
Watson v. Procurator      -----      Wemyss Coal Co.
Wemyss Coal Co.,      -----      WILDCAT HAVEN COMMUNITY
WILDCAT HAVEN ENTERPRISES      -----      William Duncan v
William Duncan in      -----      William Mackechnie, (or
William Mackechnie v      -----      William White v
William Wightman v      -----      Wilson v Warrock.
Wilson v Watson.      -----      Wright v Lady
Wright v Lauder.      -----      Wyse (Abbott's Trustee),
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X AGAINST A,      -----      XY v The
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y and others      -----      YZ (AP) v
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z and Scottish      -----      ZY (AP) v The Advocate General for Scotland [2016] ScotCS CSOH_173 (13 December 2016)

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