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- - - v - - - [1755] 5 Brn 837 (29 November 1755)      -----      - v - (London : Section 27A & 20C) [2013] UKFTT RP_LON_00AJ_LSC_2013_0524
- v - (London : Section 27A & 20C) [2013] UKFTT RP_LON_00BH_LSC_2013_213      -----      - v - (Southern : Service charge
- v - (Southern : Service charges)      -----      (1) Tan Keng
(1) Teva UK      -----      3A Horn Lane
3A John Penn      -----      7 Windspoint Drive
7 Woodhurst Road,      -----      12 Oats Royd
12 Park Lane      -----      18 Whitley Court
18 Willowmead Close,      -----      26 Eldon Drive
26 Ericcson Close,      -----      36 St. Vincent
36 Stagshaw Close      -----      49 Ladbroke Road,
49 Lawson Close      -----      71 Delafield Road,
71 Elmdene Road      -----      110A-116C Fairfoot Rd,
111 & 113      -----      276 Nelson Road,
278-282 Wandsworth Bridge      -----      [1996] NISSCSC C34/96(DLA)
[1996] NISSCSC C35/96(DLA)      -----      1999/52 - Whyte
1999/53 - AG      -----      [2002] UKSSCSC CIB_3868_2001
[2002] UKSSCSC CIB_3985_2001      -----      [2004] UKSSCSC CIS_1067_2004
[2004] UKSSCSC CIS_1159_2004      -----      [2007] UKSSCSC CI_3384_2006
[2007] UKSSCSC CI_3745_2006      -----      9574565 Canada Inc
A (To view the items beginning with A: first select a range here)
A v B      -----      A. v B. [1678]
A. v B. [1679]      -----      A (Hague Convention:
A Hall v      -----      A Series 0f
A Settlement [2009]      -----      AA003422013 [2014] UKAITUR
AA003422014 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      AA013562011 (unreported) [2011]
AA013602011 (unreported) [2011]      -----      AA024252014 [2015] UKAITUR
AA024262014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      AA034922015 [2015] UKAITUR
AA0349305 (unreported) [2007]      -----      AA046182006 (unreported) [2008]
AA046182007 (unreported) [2007]      -----      AA056302008 (unreported) [2009]
AA056312015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      AA066612013 [2015] UKAITUR
AA066622013 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      AA077402014 [2016] UKAITUR
AA077442014 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      AA087562012 (unreported) [2013]
AA087562015 & AA087582015      -----      AA099422010 (unreported) [2011]
AA099492009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      AA1113106 (unreported) [2007]
AA111312012 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      AA129822009 (unreported) [2012]
AA129872010 (unreported) [2012]      -----      Aaalamani, R (on the application of) v General Medical Council [2003]
Aaalamani, R (on the application of) v General Medical Council [2006]      -----      Abbey National Plc v
Abbey National Plc v.      -----      A.B.M. and B.A.
ABM Construction -v-      -----      Acorn Property Management
ACORN SERVICES (EDINBURGH)      -----      Adebayo, R (on
Adebayo-Orebote v. Sureway      -----      AEL, Re (Mental
Aelf MSN 242,      -----      AG v Bhojwani [2008] JRC 059
AG v Bhojwani [2008] JRC 129      -----      AG v George
AG v GH      -----      AG v McKinney
AG v McLaughlin      -----      AG -v- De
AG -v- Hansen      -----      AG -v- MFA
AG -v- Miah      -----      Age Ltd, Re
Age of Elegance      -----      Ahmed v Secretary
Ahmed -v- A.G.      -----      Aitchison & Sons,
Aitchison v. Aitchison      -----      Akumah (FC) v.
Akumah v London      -----      Alcock v Registrar
Alcock & Ors      -----      Alexander Hamilton v Andrew
Alexander Hamilton v Harper.      -----      Ali v First
Ali v Glaxo      -----      Allen & Sons
Allen v Abbey      -----      Alpha Business Computers Ltd v Brassington [1994]
Alpha Business Computers Ltd v Brassington [1995]      -----      Amberware Ltd v
Ambiaipakan v Revenue      -----      Ana MILASINOVIC v Croatia - 26659/08 [2010]
Ana MILASINOVIC v Croatia - 26659/08 [2011]      -----      Andrew Arrat v
Andrew Atchison v      -----      Anent Reference to
Anent References to      -----      Anon v Anon
Anonimos Eteria Epichirisseon      -----      Apartment 10 York
Apartment 11, 13,      -----      APPLICATION FOR A GUARDIANSHIP
Archibald v Revenue      -----      Arnage Holdings Ltd
ARNAL v. FRANCE      -----      AS, R. (
AS, R. v      -----      AS044232004 (unreported) [2005]
AS044362004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      AS147402004 (unreported) [2005]
AS147542004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      AS503282003 (unreported) [2004]
AS503342003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      AS569262003 (unreported) [2005]
AS569272003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      ASI Glass Processing
ASI Properties Ltd      -----      Astley (A minor)
Astley Abbots Parish      -----      Att. Gen. v de
Att. Gen. v De      -----      Attorney General's Office (Central government) [2024] UKICO 284006
Attorney General's Office (Central government) [2024] UKICO 290237      -----      AutoStore Technology AS and
AutoStore Technology AS v      -----      AYDOCAN AND OTHERS
AYDOGAN ET DARA      -----      Azzurro (Trade Mark:
B (To view the items beginning with B: first select a range here)
B v Cager      -----      B (Trade Mark:
b (Trade Mark:      -----      Bailey v. J. & D. Roberton [1877]
Bailey v. J. & D. Roberton [1878]      -----      Baldwins (Ashby) Ltd
Baldwins Industrial Services      -----      Bank Mellat v Council (
Bank Mellat v Council (Appeal      -----      BARBU v. ROMANIA
Barbuda Enterprises Ltd      -----      Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council v
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council (Local      -----      BASF / Orgamol
BASF AG &      -----      Bayer CropScience and Bayer
Bayer CropScience and Stichting      -----      BBC Worldwide Ltd
BBD Pet Products      -----      Bedgrove Junior School (Decision Notice) [2009]
Bedgrove Junior School (Decision Notice) [2013]      -----      Bell v Child Support Agency [2008] NIFET 128_06 FET (22 December 2008)
Bell v Child Support Agency [2008] NIFET 128_06 FET (22 December 2008)      -----      Bennetts v Ministry
Bennetts’s Eco Inverter      -----      Bessie Oswald v
Bessie Paterson v      -----      Bhudia, R (on
Bhugwandas Mitharam v      -----      Birch v Ministry of Defence [2012]
Birch v Ministry of Defence [2013]      -----      BL v OR
BL, R v      -----      Blaze Estates Ltd
Blaze Group Holdings      -----      Board of Governors Alder
Board of Governors of      -----      Bone v North Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust [2014]
Bone v North Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust [2016]      -----      Bot & Anor
Bot (Justice and      -----      Boyes (t/a Boyes
Boyes v The      -----      Braintree Leisure Ltd
Brainwaves were more      -----      Breslin & Ors v McKenna & Ors [2008] NIQB 98
Breslin & Ors v McKenna & Ors [2008] NIQB 115      -----      Bristol City Council v Digs
Bristol City Council v FV      -----      British Telecommunications plc/
British Telecommunications Plc,      -----      Brown & Ors v Revenue
Brown & Ors v Russell      -----      Bruce v Buckie. [1619] Mor 207
Bruce v Buckie. [1619] Mor 10415      -----      Buckingham v St.
Buckingham v Sun      -----      Burcot & Clifton
BURCZY v. POLAND      -----      Burton, R. v
Burton v R      -----      Byrne -v- AG
Byrne -v- Ardenheath      -----      BZQ v Overijssel
C (To view the items beginning with C: first select a range here)
C v B      -----      C Riddall v
C Roberts v      -----      Cabinet Office (Central government) [2023] UKICO 231182
Cabinet Office (Central government) [2023] UKICO 231518      -----      Cairns & Ors,
Cairns and Others      -----      Cambridge University Hospitals
Cambridge University Press      -----      Campbell v. M'Nee
Campbell v M'Neill.      -----      Capcon Holdings Plc
CAPDEVILLE v. PORTUGAL      -----      Carey v Robin
Carey Street Investments      -----      Carroll v. Ryan
Carroll Ryan Pharmacies      -----      Cassels (Inspector of
Cassels v. Keith      -----      CB (International Relocation:
C.B. v. ITALY      -----      CC286082003 (unreported) [2005]
CC289522002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      CC544342002 (unreported) [2003]
CC544712002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      Central London Commercial
Central London Community      -----      Chalmers v. Paterson
Chalmers v Revenue      -----      CHARLES JAMES (Trade
Charles v Judicial      -----      Chen, R (on
Chen, R (On      -----      Chief Constable of Merseyside Police v
Chief Constable of Merseyside Police (Police      -----      CHONG WANG AGAINST
Choo Kok Beng      -----      Chvetsov v BNP
Chvetsov v Matuzny      -----      City of London Police v
City of London Police (Police      -----      Clark v Lord
Clark v. Lowe      -----      Clements Secretary of
Clements Smith v      -----      C.N. -v- Q.G.
CNA v CNB      -----      Cole, R v
Cole v R      -----      Colour Blast Ltd
Colour Books Ltd/Allied      -----      Commission v Czech Republic (Emergency
Commission v Czech Republic (Environment      -----      Commission v Ireland (Environment and consumers) [2005] EUECJ C-282/02
Commission v Ireland (Environment and consumers) [2005] EUECJ C-494/01      -----      Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic (Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber)) [2008]
Commission of the European Communities v Hellenic Republic (Judgment of the Court (Sixth Chamber)) [2009]      -----      Commission v Romania
Commission v Roodhuijzen      -----      COMORASU v. ROMANIA
Comoretel Holdings Ltd      -----      Connect Shipping Inc
CONNECTION POINT (Trade      -----      Cook & 22
Cook & Anor      -----      Corcoran & anor
Corcoran, , R.      -----      Costain Ltd v Charles Haswell & Partners Ltd [2009] EWHC 3140
Costain Ltd v Charles Haswell & Partners Ltd [2009] EWHC B25      -----      Couts v Straiton. [1681] Mor 12601
Couts v Straiton. [1681] Mor 16804      -----      Craik v Craik.
Craik v. Penny      -----      Creditors of Muirhead
Creditors of Mungo      -----      Croft House 2
Croft House Associates      -----      Croydon London Borough Council (Local government)
Croydon London Borough Council (Local government      -----      Cummings v Cardiff
Cummings v Compass      -----      CV AGAINST ZENITH
CV and Others      -----      Czyzyk v Regional
D (To view the items beginning with D: first select a range here)
D v E      -----      DA (Unsigned interview
DA000012010 (unreported) [2011]      -----      DA004052009 (unreported) [2012]
DA004052011 (unreported) [2012]      -----      DA009562012 (unreported) [2013]
DA009572013 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      Dacy Building Services Ltd v IDM Properties LLP [2018]
Dacy Building Services Ltd v IDM Properties LLP [2016]      -----      D'AMORE v. ITALY
D'Amore v Mostyn      -----      Dartford Borough Council
Dartford Borough Council,      -----      DAVID ROBERT FLEMING
David Ronald Gibson      -----      Dawnvale Cafe Components
Dawood Hashim Esoof      -----      De Leon v
DE LEONARDIS v.      -----      Delaney & Ors
Delaney v Aer      -----      Denteh v. Commissioner of Police for The Metropolis & Ors [2003] UKEAT 1033_00_1601
Denteh v. Commissioner of Police for The Metropolis & Ors [2003] UKEAT 1033_00_1607      -----      Department for Energy Security & Net Zero (Central government) [2024] UKICO 248465
Department for Energy Security & Net Zero (Central government) [2024] UKICO 265991      -----      Department for Work and Pensions (Central government) [2024] UKICO 244085
Department for Work and Pensions (Central government) [2024] UKICO 249349      -----      Derby Hospitals NHS
DERBY QUAD LIMITED      -----      Device Mark (Trade
DEVICE OF 3      -----      DHU Arzneimittel (Medicinal
Dhungana v Rai      -----      Dillon v Police
Dillon, R v      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v District
Director of Public Prosecutions v Divicarro      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions v S.M. (Approved) [2020]
Director of Public Prosecutions v S.M. (Approved) [2023]      -----      Director of Public Prosecutions -v- O'Sullivan
Director of Public Prosecutions -v- Ouachek      -----      DLA Delivery Ltd, R (On the Application Of) v Lewes District Council [2015]
DLA Delivery Ltd, R (On the Application Of) v Lewes District Council [2017]      -----      Doleman v Sayle
DOLENC v. SLOVENIA      -----      Dooley & anor
Dooley & Ors      -----      Dover v Finsbury
Dover Harbour Board      -----      DPP -v- Gilligan [2005]
DPP -v- Gilligan [2006]      -----      Dr M Gondhia
Dr M Grigorova      -----      Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (Central government) [2021] UKICO IC-42172
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (Central government) [2021] UKICO IC-48944      -----      Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council (Local government)
Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council (Local government      -----      Dunbartonshire and Argyll
Dunblane Property Ltd.      -----      Durham County Council v
Durham County Council (Local      -----      DZYRUK v. POLAND
E (To view the items beginning with E: first select a range here)
E v E      -----      EA009202020 [2023] UKAITUR
EA009212015 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      EA038292022 [2023] UKAITUR
EA038382015 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      EA077102016 [2018] UKAITUR
EA077292016 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      Earl v. Midlands
Earl Morton v      -----      East Lindsey District Council (Local government) [2023] UKICO 208500
East Lindsey District Council (Local government) [2023] UKICO 225716      -----      Echosense Jersey Ltd
Echo-U Ltd v      -----      EDWARD ARMSTRONG [2017]
Edward Augustus Glen      -----      Eight Acres Leisure
Eight Alms, South      -----      Elias, R (on
Elias Rahman v      -----      Els Hanna Els
ELS International Lawyers      -----      Enfield London Borough Council (Decision
Enfield London Borough Council (Local      -----      EPSU v Commission
Eptistam Ahmed KERIM      -----      Esim Chemicals v EUIPO -
Esim Chemicals v EUIPO (EU      -----      Euroeco Fuels (Poland)
Eurofast v Commission      -----      Everett Financial Management
Everett, R (on      -----      Ezenwaka & Anor
Ezerniece Liljeberg and      -----      EZZOUHDI v. FRANCE
F (To view the items beginning with F: first select a range here)
F v A      -----      Fairfax Gerrard Holdings Ltd
Fairfax Gerrard Holdings Ltd.&      -----      Farrell v. Equity
Farrell v Everyday      -----      Federation internationale des logis v OHIM (Carre
Federation internationale des logis v OHIM (Nuance      -----      FERRARA AND OTHERS v. ITALY - 54592/07
FERRARA AND OTHERS v. ITALY - 70617/13      -----      Financial Conduct Authority (Decision Notice) [2013]
Financial Conduct Authority (Decision Notice) [2014]      -----      Firma P v
Firma Schwarzwaldmilch GmbH      -----      Five Holding Limited
Five Nepalese Asylum      -----      Flat 2 Villa
Flat 2 Vinery      -----      Flat 8 Lampole
Flat 8, Mall      -----      Flat A and
Flat A, B      -----      Fleming v Ker.
Fleming v. Kinnes      -----      Foley v Hamon
Foley v. Murphy      -----      Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Decision Notice) [2011] UKICO FS50347157
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Decision Notice) [2011] UKICO FS50351952      -----      Foster v Eastbourne
Foster v Ferguson.      -----      Francis Graham -
Francis Graham and      -----      Freer & Anor
Freer v. Albion      -----      Fuji Jukogyo Kabushiki
Fuji Seal Europe      -----      FZO v Adams
G (To view the items beginning with G: first select a range here)
G v G      -----      Gafar, Re Application
Gafaro, R (on      -----      Gandhum v Hill
Gandy v King      -----      GASPARI v. ITALY
GASPARI v. SLOVENIA      -----      Geddis v Rotary
Geddis v Sandycove      -----      Genry v Revenue & Customs [2009] UKVAT V20929 (16 January 2009)
Genry v Revenue & Customs [2009] UKVAT V20929 (16 January 2009)      -----      Georgia KATZIS v
Georgia Kelly Ash      -----      GHRENASSIA v. LUXEMBOURG
Ghrist v Blaenau      -----      Gillan & Ors
Glamorgan v ABC      -----      Global Switch Estates
Global Switch Ltd      -----      GOLD STREET (Trade
Gold UK Counseling      -----      Gopee & Ors
Gopee & Ors,      -----      Goswami Shri Maganlalji
Goswami Sri Ghanshiam      -----      Graham v Graham & Anor [2021]
Graham v Graham & Anor [2024]      -----      Gray & Ors,
Gray & Ors      -----      Green v R
Green v R.      -----      Griffin Coal Mining
Griffin v Crown      -----      Grubb v Grubb [2009]
Grubb v Grubb [2012]      -----      Gulshan (Article 8
Gulsum SAYAN and      -----      Gzimaila v Prosecutor
H (To view the items beginning with H: first select a range here)
H v B      -----      Haberdashers’ Aske’s Federation
Haberdashers' Aske's Federation      -----      Halifax Life Ltd v DLA
Halifax Life Ltd v The      -----      Hamilton v Crust & Crumb Bakery Limited
Hamilton v Crust & Crumb Bakery Ltd      -----      Hani v Secretary
Haniel Spedition GmbH      -----      Haringey London Borough Council (Local government)
Haringey London Borough Council (Local government      -----      Harrow Council (Local government (District council)) [2014]
Harrow Council (Local government (District council)) [2016]      -----      Hatherton (Hull) Ltd
Hathi & Ors      -----      Hazel House, Sycamore Avenue, Woking GU22 9FG (Leasehold disputes (management) - Service charges) [2018]
Hazel House, Sycamore Avenue, Woking GU22 9FG (Leasehold disputes (management) - Service charges) [2019]      -----      Heaver v Santander
Heavey v An      -----      Henderson v Connect
Henderson v Cooke      -----      HER MAJESTY'S ADVOCATE
Her Majesty's Advocate      -----      Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County County      -----      High Speed Two Limited (Other) [2022] UKICO 134837
High Speed Two Limited (Other) [2022] UKICO 181041      -----      Hirst, R (on
Hirst v Revenue      -----      HM Revenue and Customs (Central government) [2017]
HM Revenue and Customs (Central government) [2018]      -----      Hoffmann v EUIPO -
Hoffmann v EUIPO (Genius)      -----      Home Office v.
Home Office v      -----      Home Office (UK
Home Office v      -----      Horvath, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State for
Horvath, R (on the application of) v Secretary of State For      -----      Howlett v HM
Howlett v Holding      -----      HR616492002 (unreported) [2003]
HR622242002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HU013382018 [2019] UKAITUR
HU013382019 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      HU035542018 [2019] UKAITUR
HU035582018 [2022] UKAITUR      -----      HU055742017 & Others
HU055752016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      HU078182018 & Ors.
HU078222016 & Ors.      -----      HU100542016 [2018] UKAITUR
HU100622015 & Others      -----      HU124392017 [2018] UKAITUR
HU124402017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      HU152942016 [2018] UKAITUR
HU152942018 [2019] UKAITUR      -----      HU185922019 [2021] UKAITUR
HU185932016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      HU241182018 & Ors.
HU241262016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      Hughes, R (on
Hughes, R (On      -----      Hunton Court, Gravelly
Huntress Search Ltd      -----      HX00143-05 (unreported) [2006]
HX001562004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX033122005 (unreported) [2006]
HX033132003 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX081402003 (unreported) [2003]
HX081422003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX129442003 (unreported) [2004]
HX129612004 (unreported) [2006]      -----      HX184412004 (unreported) [2005]
HX184472004 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX239532003 (unreported) [2003]
HX239542003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX296742003 (unreported) [2004]
HX296822003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX350062002 (unreported) [2003]
HX350092002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX406142002 (unreported) [2003]
HX406162003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX458612003 (unreported) [2004]
HX458712003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      HX507702002 (unreported) [2003]
HX507712002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX547832002 (unreported) [2003]
HX547972003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX587442003 (unreported) [2005]
HX587452003 (unreported) [2004]      -----      HX629332003 (unreported) [2004]
HX629422002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      HX693462002 (unreported) [2003]
HX693802002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      Hysi v Secretary
Hyslop v 38/41      -----      Hzustaljova -Guzhova v
I (To view the items beginning with I: first select a range here)
I & Anor      -----      IA007502012 & IA007512012
IA007532016 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      IA018892012 (unreported) [2012]
IA018892013 [2013] UKAITUR      -----      IA031652012 (unreported) [2013]
IA031662008 (unreported) [2008]      -----      IA047222022 [2023] UKAITUR
IA047252012 (unreported) [2013]      -----      IA063222005 & HR009202005
IA063242009 (unreported) [2009]      -----      IA079622022 [2023] UKAITUR
IA079702012 (unreported) [2012]      -----      IA096242014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA096282021 [2022] UKAITUR      -----      IA113182007 (unreported) [2008]
IA113202013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      IA132652010 (unreported) [2011]
IA132652010 (unreported) [2013]      -----      IA149392006 (unreported) [2007]
IA149402007 & IA140252007      -----      IA168932012 (unreported) [2013]
IA168952015 [2017] UKAITUR      -----      IA188412012 (unreported) [2013]
IA188482010 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA209272008 (unreported) [2009]
IA209272014 & Ors.      -----      IA229712012 [2013] UKAITUR
IA229742010 (unreported) [2010]      -----      IA253482015 [2017] UKAITUR
IA253482015 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      IA277262010 (unreported) [2011]
IA277282011 (unreported) [2012]      -----      IA303302011 (unreported) [2012]
IA303302013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      IA331952015 [2017] UKAITUR
IA331972015 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      IA357192014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA357252010 (unreported) [2011]      -----      IA397412010 & IA397472010
IA397452013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      IA444072014 [2015] UKAITUR
IA444092014 & ors      -----      IA500462013 [2014] UKAITUR
IA500602013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      IBRAHIMOV AND OTHERS
IBRAHIMOV v. AZERBAIJAN      -----      Ikram v Secretary
IKRAMOV AND OTHERS      -----      IM101702004 (unreported) [2005]
IM102042005 (unreported) [2007]      -----      Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd v Merit Merrell Technology Ltd [2015]
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd v Merit Merrell Technology Ltd [2016]      -----      In re Rysaffe
In re S      -----      In the matter
in the matter      -----      In the matter of Trident
In the matter of Trina      -----      Information Commissioner's Office (Other) [2019] UKICO fs50847225
Information Commissioner's Office (Other) [2019] UKICO fs50854323      -----      INQUIRY UNDER THE FATAL ACCIDENTS AND INQUIRIES (SCOTLAND) ACT 1976 INTO THE SUDDEN DEATH OF JOHN HENRY
Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami      -----      Irish Life and
Irish Life Assurance      -----      Ismail COSAR v Turkey - 32487/04 [2009]
Ismail COSAR v Turkey - 32487/04 [2011]      -----      Izahat HASANOV v
Izba Gospodarcza Producentow      -----      IZZO v. ITALY
J (To view the items beginning with J: first select a range here)
J v E      -----      J W Greaves
J. W. M.      -----      Jaguar Land Rover Limited v Myrtle
Jaguar Land Rover Limited v Parvez      -----      James Farquhar-Gordon, and
James Farquharson v      -----      James Simms, Esq.,
James Simpson v      -----      Janusz BARTOSIEWICZ v
Janusz BIZIUK v      -----      Jean Lestelle v Commission of the European Communities. (Officials) [1990]
Jean Lestelle v Commission of the European Communities. (Officials) [1992]      -----      JF (Fresh evidence,
JF v Her      -----      JOC v Secretary
J.O'C. -v- G.D.      -----      John Evans v
John Ewart and      -----      John Moodie &
John Morison v      -----      Johnson v Fleet
Johnson v Gore      -----      Jones v Crown
Jones v Cullen      -----      Joustra (Taxation) [2006]
Jouvin v Commission      -----      JSC BTA Bank v Ablyazov [2012] EWCA
JSC BTA Bank v Ablyazov [2012] EWHC      -----      JZ v Secretary
K (To view the items beginning with K: first select a range here)
K v W      -----      Kadege v Dunnes
KADEM v. MALTA      -----      Kapoor v National
Kapoor v Revenue      -----      Kaufring v Commission (Customs union) [2001] EUECJ T-191/97
Kaufring v Commission (Customs union) [2001] EUECJ T-192/97      -----      Keefe v The
Keeffe v. Governor      -----      KEMMACHE v. FRANCE (No.
KEMMACHE v. FRANCE (Nos.      -----      Keogh v Byrne
Keogh v. Criminal      -----      KH v LB
KH v MB      -----      KI, R (On
K.I. v. RUSSIA      -----      Kingdom of Denmark
Kingdom Of Leather      -----      Kirklees Metropolitan Council (Local government) [2018] UKICO fs50703907
Kirklees Metropolitan Council (Local government) [2018] UKICO fs50729956      -----      KMG International NV
KOVYAZIN v. RUSSIA      -----      KS v Secretary
KS v SOS      -----      KV (Sri Lanka)
KVACSKAY AND OTHERS      -----      KZ v The
L (To view the items beginning with L: first select a range here)
L v S      -----      La. Elphinston v
LA Fitness (1998)      -----      Lady Tarsappie v
Lady Tolquhon v      -----      Lally, R. v
Lally v Revenue      -----      Landles v. Gray.
Landless v. Wilson      -----      Lauchlan Duff v
Lauchlan Grant of      -----      Lazari Properties 2 Ltd v
Lazari Properties 2 Ltd &      -----      Ledgard Bridge Mill,
Ledger & Anor      -----      Leicester City Council (Local
Leicester City Council v      -----      Leslie. &c. v
Leslie Clarkson v      -----      LG Electronics v OHIM (DIRECT
LG Electronics v OHIM (Intellectual      -----      Lim Poh Choo
Lim v Revenue      -----      Listing Officer, R
Listowel Livestock Mart      -----      Lloyds Bank Private
Lloyds Banking Group      -----      LOGVINENKO v. UKRAINE - 13448/07
LOGVINENKO v. UKRAINE - 41203/16      -----      London Borough of Ealing (Local government) [2020] UKICO IC-47270
London Borough of Ealing (Local government) [2020] UKICO IC-62328-T8S4      -----      London Borough Of
London Borough of      -----      Loraine v Wirral
L'Oréal v Ms      -----      Lord William Douglas
Lord William Douglass,      -----      LP000382022 [2022] UKAITUR
LP000492020 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      Lumsdene of Blenerne
Lumsden's Trustees v.      -----      Lyttle Lyttle v
Lyttle v Metropolitan      -----      LZL v HYC
M (To view the items beginning with M: first select a range here)
M v B      -----      M, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Barnet
M, R (on the application of) v London Borough of Hackney      -----      MAASSEN v. THE
MAAT v. FRANCE      -----      Mackenzie Hall Ltd
MacKenzie v HD      -----      Madeira Court, Clifton
Madeira Way RTM      -----      Maharajah Pertab Narain
Maharajah Radha Prosad      -----      MAKSIM SAVOV v.
MAKSIMENKO v. UKRAINE      -----      Manchester Airport Plc
Manchester Airports Holdings      -----      Mapei v EUIPO - Steenfabrieken Vandersanden (RE-CONzerø)
Mapei v EUIPO - Steenfabrieken Vandersanden (zerø)      -----      Maria ZALEWSKA-BUJARA v
Maria ZANET v      -----      MARKT INTERN VERLAG
Markt24 (Jurisdiction, recognition      -----      Martin KUSCHMANN v
Martin L. Adedeji      -----      Masri v Consolidated Contractors International Company SAL & Anor [2007] EWCA
Masri v Consolidated Contractors International Company SAL & Anor [2007] EWHC      -----      MATVEYEV AND OTHERS v. RUSSIA - 47655/15
MATVEYEV AND OTHERS v. RUSSIA - 79121/17      -----      MAZGAJ v. POLAND
Mazgula v Regional      -----      McBride v. Galway
McBride v Gerard      -----      McColgan v Lloyds
McColgan v Peace      -----      McDonnell -v- Governor of Wheatfield Prison [2015]
McDonnell -v- Governor of Wheatfield Prison (No.2)      -----      MCGREGOR GLAZING Ltd
MCGREGOR GLAZING LTD      -----      McKinney v The
McKinney v Whitehouse      -----      McNeill v Customs
McNeill v Fred      -----      Mealing McLeod v
Mealing (t/a Avonleigh      -----      MEHMET ZEKI CELEBI
Mehmet Zeki DOCAN      -----      Mercer v Alternative
Mercer v. Anstruther's      -----      METATRON D.O.O. v
METAUNIVERSE (Trade Mark:      -----      M'Gavin v. Sturrock
M'Gaw v. Maitland      -----      Michel v Att. Gen. [2007] JLR
Michel v Att. Gen. [2007] JLR_Note      -----      Midlands Limos Ltd
Midlands Partnership NHS      -----      Miller v Greater
Miller v Gregson      -----      Minister for Justice and Equality v Alves
Minister for Justice and Equality v Angel      -----      Ministry of Defence (Central government) [2023] UKICO 232699
Ministry of Defence (Central government) [2023] UKICO 233079      -----      Ministry of Justice (Decision Notice) [2011] UKICO FS50347926
Ministry of Justice (Decision Notice) [2011] UKICO FS50353260      -----      Miss A Davis v Angels
Miss A Davis v Asda      -----      Miss B Day
Miss B Denness      -----      Miss C Southwell
Miss C Spark      -----      Miss E Howell
Miss E Howis      -----      Miss H Kirk
Miss H L      -----      Miss J Pranczk v Hampshire County Council (England and Wales : Breach
Miss J Pranczk v Hampshire County Council (England and Wales : Unlawful      -----      Miss K Serewa
Miss K Seward      -----      Miss L Thompson
Miss L Tideswell      -----      MISS MAC (Trade
Miss Maddocks v      -----      Miss R Anderson v Goddess
Miss R Anderson v Rujia      -----      Miss S Flett
Miss S Floyd      -----      Miss T Conway
Miss T Cook      -----      Mite MANEV v
Mitek Holdings Ltd      -----      M'Lean v The
M'lean v. Warnock      -----      Moffat Or Morton
Moffat v Phin.      -----      Monds -v- Indesit
Mone (John) v      -----      Moore v Marconi
Moore v. Marks      -----      Moroney v Eastwood School & Anor
Moroney v Eastwood School & Essex      -----      Motor Vehicles Dealers
Motoraid Ltd v      -----      Mr A and Department of Finance
Mr A and Department of Public      -----      Mr A Eadie v Arnold
Mr A Eadie v Ebury      -----      Mr A Keenan
Mr A Keir      -----      Mr A Patterson
Mr A Pattni      -----      Mr A W Barnett
Mr A W Concannon      -----      Mr Andrew Picken and Glasgow
Mr Andrew Picken and Scottish      -----      Mr B May
Mr B Mayo      -----      Mr C Boxall
Mr C Boyd      -----      Mr C Mallon v Jenrick
Mr C Mallon v Jonathan      -----      Mr C Wills
Mr C Wilson      -----      Mr D Clement
Mr D Coates      -----      Mr D Jones v Phoenix
Mr D Jones v Pilkington      -----      Mr D Richards
Mr D Richardson      -----      Mr David Milne
Mr David Moncrieff      -----      Mr Edes and
Mr Edgert and      -----      Mr G Carl
Mr G Carney      -----      Mr G Philipps
Mr G Phillips      -----      Mr H Clarke
Mr H Clifton      -----      Mr I Kirkwood
Mr I Knowles      -----      Mr J Brown v Morton
Mr J Brown v Premier      -----      Mr J H Perry
Mr J H Plastow      -----      Mr J McPherson
Mr J McQuade      -----      Mr J Snarey
Mr J Sneddon      -----      Mr Joe Hands
Mr Joe Stenson      -----      Mr K Greenwood
Mr K Gregory      -----      Mr K Williams v British
Mr K Williams v Den      -----      Mr L Liban
Mr L Linley      -----      Mr M Anwar
Mr M Apperley      -----      Mr M Egerton
Mr M Ehidiamen      -----      Mr M Khalid v Coftons
Mr M Khalid v Shakespeare      -----      Mr M Pusbauer
Mr M Pyszel      -----      Mr M Whitehouse
Mr M Whitemoss      -----      Mr N Blow
Mr N Boachie      -----      Mr N Thakrar v National
Mr N Thakrar v SPS      -----      Mr P Beckley
Mr P Beech      -----      Mr P Kaye
Mr P Keane      -----      Mr P Verboci
Mr P Verelst      -----      Mr R Bains
Mr R Baker      -----      Mr R J Bryce v Active Security Solutions Ltd and others (England and Wales : Breach of Contract) [2022]
Mr R J Bryce v Active Security Solutions Ltd and others (England and Wales : Breach of Contract) [2023]      -----      Mr R Simpson
Mr R Sims      -----      Mr S A Noruega
Mr S A Salim      -----      Mr S Eakers
Mr S Earl      -----      Mr S Leiper
Mr S Lenczewski      -----      Mr S Shah and
Mr S Shah v      -----      Mr Stuart Nicolson
Mr Stuart Trigg      -----      Mr T P Hume
Mr T P Murray      -----      Mr W Fox v T
Mr W Fox v The      -----      Mr. X and Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (FOI
Mr. X and Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (the      -----      Mr. X and
Mr X and      -----      Mr Z Iqbal v Jacarem
Mr Z Iqbal v The      -----      Mrs A Pierson
Mrs A Pimperton      -----      Mrs C Cooksey v ALH
Mrs C Cooksey v TM      -----      Mrs D Czernikowska
Mrs D Czubak      -----      Mrs E Taylor
Mrs E Taylor-Blake      -----      Mrs H Rehman
Mrs H Reid      -----      Mrs J Keep
Mrs J Kelly      -----      Mrs K Bosch
Mrs K Bottomley      -----      Mrs L Earwaker
Mrs L Eastland      -----      Mrs M Bruce
Mrs M Buckley      -----      Mrs Martine Deans
Mrs Mary Anne      -----      Mrs R Allan
Mrs R Allcock      -----      Mrs S Grant
Mrs S Gray      -----      Mrs Susan Mackenzie
Mrs Susan Murray      -----      Ms A Cacova
Ms A Cain      -----      Ms Angela Vitor
Ms Ann Glover      -----      Ms C Reeves
Ms C Reid      -----      Ms E Cousin
Ms E Coventry      -----      Ms V Grayston
MS (Grounds of      -----      Ms J Hughes v Aplin
Ms J Hughes v Capita      -----      Ms K L Brzeczek
Ms K L Evans      -----      Ms L Sykes
Ms L Tattershall      -----      Ms M Sadler
Ms M Sam      -----      Ms P Jones
Ms P Kaur      -----      Ms S Cheeseman
Ms S Cherian      -----      Ms Samantha Kerr and Scottish
Ms Samantha Kerr and West      -----      Ms X and Health Service Executive [2021]
Ms X and Health Service Executive [2024]      -----      MTB Motors Ltd,
M.T.B. v. TURKEY      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1550] Mor 7323
Multiple cases with citation: [1550] Mor 10598      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1662] 2 Brn 296
Multiple cases with citation: [1662] 2 Brn 297      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1682] 3 Brn 421
Multiple cases with citation: [1682] 3 Brn 422      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1709]
Multiple cases with citation: [1710]      -----      Multiple cases with citation: [1753] 1 Elchies 133
Multiple cases with citation: [1753] 1 Elchies 168      -----      Murphy & Anor v Revenue And Customs [2021]
Murphy & Anor v Revenue And Customs [2023]      -----      Musaab Tag Elsir Abdelsalam v Expresso Telecom Group Ltd [2019]
Musaab Tag Elsir Abdelsalam v Expresso Telecom Group Ltd [2023]      -----      MyHome Installations Limited
N (To view the items beginning with N: first select a range here)
N & A      -----      Naish & Anor
Naish, R. v      -----      National Archives (Central government) [2019] UKICO fs50805962
National Archives (Central government) [2019] UKICO fs50807521      -----      Naturgy Energy Group v Commission (State aid
Naturgy Energy Group v Commission (State Aid      -----      Neil Gilliatt v IC (The Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal) (General Regulatory Chamber) Rules 2009) [2012]
Neil Gilliatt v IC (The Tribunal Procedure (First-tier Tribunal) (General Regulatory Chamber) Rules 2009) [2013]      -----      New Cap Reinsurance Corporation Ltd &
New Cap Reinsurance Corporation Ltd v      -----      Nguyen, R. v [2022]
Nguyen, R. v [2023]      -----      Nicol v. Caledonian
Nicol Campbell v.      -----      Nita v Romania
Niths Dale, Sandling      -----      Nord Stream 2 v Parliament and Council (Abstract)
Nord Stream 2 v Parliament and Council (Action      -----      North South Pig
North Staffordshire Combined      -----      Norton v London
Norton & Anor      -----      NS v Parliament
NS, R (on      -----      NZXT (Trade Mark:
O (To view the items beginning with O: first select a range here)
O v P      -----      OA016662015 [2016] UKAITUR
OA016762012 OA016772012 (unreported)      -----      OA054082014 [2015] UKAITUR
OA054252013 [2015] UKAITUR      -----      OA091342011 (unreported) [2012]
OA091442010 (unreported) [2011]      -----      OA133352014 [2016] UKAITUR
OA133522009 (unreported) [2009]      -----      oa183082005 (unreported) [2007]
OA183092012 & OA183102012      -----      OA239152013 [2014] UKAITUR
OA239212012 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      OA336202008 (unreported) [2009]
OA336622006 (unreported) [2008]      -----      OA507202008 (unreported) [2009]
OA507232009 (unreported) [2011]      -----      OA786902009 (unreported) [2009]
OA787442008 (unreported) [2009]      -----      OCC v P
OCC v R      -----      Office and Indrustrial
Office Angels v.      -----      O'Hare v Queen's
O'Hare, R v      -----      Oliver & Anor v Symons & Anor [2011]
Oliver & Anor v Symons & Anor [2012]      -----      O'Neill v. Dunnes
O'Neill v Envision      -----      Orbital Shopping Park
ORBITEL (Trade Mark:      -----      Osho v Pizza
Oshosanya, R. v      -----      Owners of the Ship "Swansea
Owners of the Ship "Topaz"      -----      OZYOL v. TURKEY
P (To view the items beginning with P: first select a range here)
P v T      -----      PA002432016 [2017] UKAITUR
PA002472015 [2016] UKAITUR      -----      PA012982019 [2019] UKAITUR
PA012982019 [2020] UKAITUR      -----      PA024752020 [2021] UKAITUR
PA024762017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      PA035932015 [2016] UKAITUR
PA035962019 & PA035992019      -----      PA049182018 [2018] UKAITUR
PA049212019 [2020] UKAITUR      -----      PA064312019 [2022] UKAITUR
PA064332017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      PA077992017 [2018] UKAITUR
PA078022018 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      PA091702018 [2019] UKAITUR
PA091732019 [2020] UKAITUR      -----      PA106762016 [2018] UKAITUR
PA106832017 & PA106802017      -----      PA121212018 [2019] UKAITUR
PA121212019 [2021] UKAITUR      -----      PA138542016 [2017] UKAITUR
PA138592017 [2018] UKAITUR      -----      Palmer v. Dunedin
Palmer v East      -----      Parish, R (on
Parish v Roche      -----      Parujan v Atlantic Western Trustees [2002]
Parujan v Atlantic Western Trustees [2003]      -----      Patrick Inglis of
Patrick v Inland      -----      Payne v Penwood
Payne v Pirunico      -----      Pegg v Information
Pegg v Registrar      -----      PEREZ LIZASO v.
Perez Lopez (Judgment      -----      Peter Nowak -v-
Peter O, R.      -----      PF v BH (Approved) [2023] IECC 9 (01 December 2023)
PF v BH (Approved) [2023] IECC 9 (01 December 2023)      -----      Phoenix Technology Patent
Phoenix Way, London      -----      Piotr JASTRZEBSKI v
Piotr KACZOROSKI v      -----      Playboy Enterprises International
PLAYBOYSKOOL device (Trade      -----      Police Commissioners of Hillhead
Police Commissioners of Kinning      -----      Port, R v
Port Regis School      -----      Powerhouse Retail Ltd.
POWERING THE WORLD      -----      Price & Anor v South
Price & Anor v Carter      -----      PROCURATOR FISCAL, DUNFERMLINE
PROCURATOR FISCAL, EDINBURGH      -----      PRS & individual
PRS/IMRO [1992] IECA      -----      Purna Sashi Bhattacharji
Purnananthaachi Appeal No.      -----      PZX (Anonymity Order
Q (To view the items beginning with Q: first select a range here)
Q v Q      -----      Quinlan v B
Quinlan v Edgeworth      -----      Q-ZAR (Trade Mark:
R (To view the items beginning with R: first select a range here)
R. v Deindre-Labiyi      -----      R (Rights: Community:
R v. Rimmington      -----      Rafiq v Thurrock
Rafiq & Anor      -----      RAKHIMBERDIYEV v. RUSSIA
RAKHIMOV v. RUSSIA      -----      Rankine v. Logie
Rankine v. M'Clure      -----      RB v DB
RB v Department      -----      Recorded Artists Actors Performers Ltd v Phonographic Performance (Ireland) Ltd
Recorded Artists Actors Performers Ltd v Phonographic Performance (Ireland) Ltd.      -----      Regione autonoma della Sardegna v Commission (State aid
Regione autonoma della Sardegna v Commission (State aid)      -----      Renneberg (Free movement
Rennet v. Mathieson      -----      Resource (NI) v
Resource Partners Group      -----      Reynolds, R (on
Reynolds, Re Application      -----      Richardson v. Le
Richardson, Liquidator of      -----      Ritchie Capital Management LLC &
Ritchie Capital Management LLC and      -----      Robert Cairns v
Robert Calpie v      -----      Roberts v Chief
Roberts v. Chisholm      -----      Robson, R (on the application of) v Nursing
Robson, R (on the application of) v Parole      -----      Rollinson v Dudley
Rollitt (t/a CD      -----      Ross Gilligan and
Ross v. Glasgow      -----      Roy Pike v
Roy, R v      -----      RP v Department for Communities (JSA)
RP v Department for Communities (UC)      -----      Rughoonauth -v- The
RUHAL ISLAM v      -----      Ryan, R. v
Ryan, Re Application      -----      Rzekec v Younger
S (To view the items beginning with S: first select a range here)
S v Information      -----      S. v. SWITZERLAND - 12629/87
S. v. SWITZERLAND - 12629/87;13965/88      -----      Sagicor Bank Jamaica
Sagier v Kaur      -----      Salvatore Ferragamo S.p.A.
Salvatore Grimaldi v      -----      Sandwell Metropolitan Borough
Sandwell Metropolitan Council      -----      Saultan, R. v
SAULYAK AND OTHERS      -----      Scally -v- Rhatigan [2012] IEHC 140
Scally -v- Rhatigan [2012] IEHC 387      -----      Scot v Cockburn.
Scot v Coutts      -----      Scottish Soft Fruit
Scottish Solicitors Discipline      -----      Secretary of State for Business,
Secretary of State for Business      -----      Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v IV
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions v JB      -----      SEMIC v. SLOVENIA
SEMIGDALAS AND OTHERS      -----      Seven Licensing Company
Seven v OHMI-      -----      Shankar Din and
Shankar Ganesh Dabir      -----      Sheehan v Cork
Sheehan v. DMQA      -----      Shetta v Executive Cleaning Services Plc [1993] UKEAT 528_92_2810
Shetta v Executive Cleaning Services Plc [1993] UKEAT 548_92_2810      -----      Shwky v. Heritage Care [2001] UKEAT 1185_00_0612
Shwky v. Heritage Care [2001] UKEAT 1185_00_1903      -----      Simmons v City
Simmons v First      -----      Singh v Leicester
Singh v LMCS      -----      Sir James Riddell,
Sir James Rochead      -----      SIRAY v. TURKEY
Sirbu v Sibiu      -----      Sky UK Ltd & Ors v Office Of Communications [2015]
Sky UK Ltd & Ors v Office Of Communications (Ofcom)      -----      SMARTVEST (Trade Mark:
Smartworking Summit (Trade      -----      Smith v. Reekie
Smith v Reliance      -----      SO Finance AG
SO Holding v      -----      Solicitors Indemnity Fund
Solicitors Mutual Defense      -----      Soul Food Brands
SOUL FOODS NUTRI      -----      Southern Land Securities v Various leaseholders
Southern Land Securities v Various Leaseholders      -----      Special Case - M'Call's
Special Case - M'Dowall's      -----      Spread Trustee Company
Spreadborough v The      -----      St Catherine's Parish
St Cecilia-™s, Okement      -----      STAMFORD STONE (Trade
Stamford Town Council      -----      State of Qatar
State of the      -----      STEPNIAK v. POLAND
STEPNOWSKI v. POLAND      -----      Stewart, R. v
Stewart, R v      -----      Stones Court Albert
Stones Restaurants Ltd      -----      Stuart Morrison and
Stuart v. Moss      -----      Sun Chemicals Ltd
Sun v East      -----      Sussex Police (Police and criminal justice) [2023] UKICO 188314
Sussex Police (Police and criminal justice) [2023] UKICO 193121      -----      Sweetman -v- An Bord Pleanála & Ors [2009]
Sweetman -v- An Bord Pleanála & Ors [2010]      -----      Szczurowski -v- Noonan
Szczygiel v Polish      -----      SZYSZKOWSKI v. SAN
T (To view the items beginning with T: first select a range here)
T v G      -----      Tai Tarian Ltd
Taiga v Ogbedo      -----      Tarmac Aggregates Ltd,
Tarmac Ltd v      -----      Taylors in Leith
Taylors v. Maclellans      -----      Telewest Communications v
Telewest Finance v      -----      Teva Pharma and Teva Pharmaceuticals Europe v EMA (Judgment) [2015]
Teva Pharma and Teva Pharmaceuticals Europe v EMA (Judgment) [2016]      -----      TH132042003 (unreported) [2004]
TH135212002 (unreported) [2003]      -----      TH562072003 (unreported) [2005]
TH562622003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      The Applicant and Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board [2020]
The Applicant and Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health Board [2021]      -----      The Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustesss      -----      The Commissioners For HM Revenue And Customs v Hemr
The Commissioners For HM Revenue And Customs v Hostville      -----      The Duke of Hamilton
The Duke of Hamilton's      -----      The Funky End
the future is      -----      The Kelani Valley
The Kennel Club      -----      The Lord Advocate
THE LORD ADVOCATE,      -----      The Most Noble Sophia
The Most Noble the      -----      The Prospective Adopters
The Province of      -----      The Secretary of State for India in
The Secretary of State for India v      -----      The Vacuum Oil
The Vale of      -----      Thomas George Molloy
Thomas Gibson v      -----      Thoms v. Thoms [1867]
Thoms v. Thoms (ante,      -----      Tierney v Stonehouse
Tierney v Tierney      -----      T-Mobile Austria and Others (Taxation) [2006]
T-Mobile Austria and Others (Taxation) [2007]      -----      Toole & Anor v The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage & Anor (Approved)
Toole & Anor v The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage & Anor (no.3)      -----      Townley Grammar School
Townley Network Solutions      -----      Transport for London (Other) [2023] UKICO 210387
Transport for London (Other) [2023] UKICO 212136      -----      Troll v London
Trollope & Colls      -----      Tullett Prebon Group Ltd &
Tullett Prebon Group Ltd v      -----      TWO TICKS, POWER
Twoh International (Taxation)      -----      Tzu-Tsai Cheng v.
U (To view the items beginning with U: first select a range here)
U. & Anor      -----      UI2022002566 & UI2022002567
UI2022002568 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2022006563 [2024] UKAITUR
UI2022006564 [2024] UKAITUR      -----      UI2023002552 [2024] UKAITUR
UI2023002555 [2023] UKAITUR      -----      UI2023005244 & UI2023005245
UI2023005246 [2024] UKAITUR      -----      Ullah & Ors
Ullah, Application for      -----      United Biscuits (UK)
UNITED BISCUITS (UK)      -----      University of Leicester (Education) [2019] UKICO fs50735101
University of Leicester (Education) [2019] UKICO fs50839431      -----      Use of CCTV &
Use of CCTV by      -----      UZZO v. ITALY
V (To view the items beginning with V: first select a range here)
v [2012] JCA      -----      VA127162008 (unreported) [2008]
VA127202013 [2014] UKAITUR      -----      VA352612011 & VA351192011
VA352732009 (unreported) [2010]      -----      Valentina Nikolayevna BOROZENTSEVA
Valentina Nikolayevna GALKINA      -----      Various Claimants v MGN Ltd [2020]
Various Claimants v MGN Ltd [2021]      -----      Veitch v Carlile
Veitch v Executors      -----      Vialto Consulting v Commission (Judgment) French Text [2019]
Vialto Consulting v Commission (Judgment) French Text [2021]      -----      Virgin Enterprises Limited v Mr
Virgin Enterprises Limited v My      -----      Vogon International Ltd
Vogon International Ltd.      -----      VV017412004 (unreported) [2004]
VV017502004 (unreported) [2004]      -----      VV154632003 (unreported) [2005]
VV154752003 (unreported) [2005]      -----      VZ (Soumissionnaire definitivement
W (To view the items beginning with W: first select a range here)
W. Å». ()      -----      Wait and Rae
Wait v Campbell      -----      Waller v Bass
Waller v Bromsgrove      -----      Ward v Judges
Ward v. Kelvin      -----      Watkins v British Broadcasting
Watkins v British Medical      -----      Webb Resolutions Ltd v.
Webb Resolutions Ltd v      -----      Wemyss and Others
Wemyss and White      -----      Western Court (Sidmouth)
Western Digital Corporation      -----      White v Davenham Trust Ltd [2010]
White v Davenham Trust Ltd [2011]      -----      Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council (Local government (Borough council)) [2014] UKICO FS50542861
Wigan Metropolitan Borough Council (Local government (Borough council)) [2014] UKICO FS50545152      -----      William Duff of Bracco,
William Duff of Braco,      -----      William Thompson v
William Thomson, v      -----      Willy Seghers v
Wilmar Oleo Pte      -----      Winfat Enterprise (HK)
Winfield v Revenue      -----      Wojciech BARAN v
WOJCIECH CZERWINSKI AGAINST      -----      Woolwich Equitable Building Society
Woolwich Equitable Building Society,      -----      WSP v Hull
WST Charters Ltd      -----      W.Z. v. POLAND
X (To view the items beginning with X: first select a range here)
X v A      -----      X v Y
X v. Y,      -----      XZR, Re (Abduction:
Y (To view the items beginning with Y: first select a range here)
Y v Z      -----      Yeoman Group plc
Yeoman v. M'Intosh      -----      Younger Children of Alexander
Younger Children of Bisset.      -----      YZEIRAJ v ALBANIA
Z (To view the items beginning with Z: first select a range here)
Z v University      -----      Zazulak (t/a Stefco Precision & General Engineers) v Dickenson
Zazulak (t/a Stefco Precision & General Engineers) v Dickinson      -----      Zollamt Linz (Customs
Zoller, Petitioner [1867]      -----      ZZZZZ (Trade Mark: Opposition) [1998] UKIntelP o05498 (9 March 1998)

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